Sains Malaysiana 53(12)(2024): 3907-3918


Sedimentologi dan Sekitaran Pengendapan Kumpulan Setul, Pulau Langgun

(Sedimentology and Depositional Environment of Setul Group, Pulau Langgun)




1Program Geologi, Jabatan Sains Bumi dan Alam Sekitar, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
2Kumpulan Penyelidikan Lembangan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
3Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Kelestarian Alam, Blok F11, Kompleks F Lebuh Perdana Timur, Presint 1, 62000 Putrajaya, Malaysia


Received: 20 June 2024/Accepted: 5 September 2024



Kajian sedimentologi batuan Kumpulan Setul di Pulau Langgun, telah dijalankan dengan objektif utama untuk mengenal pasti perbezaan litologi serta sekitaran pengendapannya. Aspek sedimentologi batuan Kumpulan Setul telah diperincikan berdasarkan perbezaan cirian lapangan serta perkaitannya dengan log sedimen. Hasil kajian yang diperoleh menunjukkan batuan Kumpulan Setul yang terdapat di Pulau Langgun dibahagikan kepada lima fasies utama, iaitu fasies trombolit (Ft), fasies stromatolit (Fs), fasies selang lapis batu lodak dan batu lumpur (Fblo-Fblu), fasies batu kapur masif (Fbk) dan fasies batu kapur merah (Fbkm). Sementara itu, berdasarkan perbezaan sekutuan fasies, Kumpulan Setul di sekitar Pulau Langgun diasingkan kepada dua iaitu Sekutuan Fasies 1 (SF1) dan Sekutuan Fasies 2 (SF2). Kedua-dua sekutuan fasies ini menunjukkan terdapat tindakan hidrodinamik daripada pengaruh pasang surut dan melibatkan perubahan paras air laut global berlaku di kawasan sekitaran zon dasar bergelombang ribut dan lebih khususnya adalah di kawasan cerun di zon sub-pasang surut (sub-pasang surut bahagian atas).


Kata kunci: Pengaruh hidrodinamik; Pulau Langgun; sub-pasang surut; zon dasar gelombang ribut



A sedimentological study of the Setul Group of Pulau Langgun was carried out to identify the lithological characteristics and the depositional environment. The sedimentological aspects of the Setul Group outcrops have been detailed based on the outcrops’ characteristics as well as their relationship with the sedimentary log. The results of the study show that the outcrops of the Setul Group found on Pulau Langgun are divided into five main facies, namely thrombolite facies (Ft), stromatolite facies (Fs), interbedded siltstone and mudstone facies (Fblo-Fblu), massive limestone facies (Fbk) and red limestone facies (Fbkm). Meanwhile, based on the facies associations, the Setul Group around Pulau Langgun is separated into Facies Association 1 (SF1) and Facies Association 2 (SF2). Both of these facies’ associations show that there is a hydrodynamic action of tidal influence and involves global sea level changes occurring in the surrounding area of the storm-wave-based zone, specifically in the slope area in the sub-tidal zone (upper part of sub-tidal zone).


Keywords: Hydrodynamic affect; Pulau Langgun; storm-wave base zone; sub-tidal



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